Monday, September 10, 2007

3:10 To Yuma

Opening weekend is now over for this and it has taken the top spot at the box office with 14 million. Between this and Brad Pitt's western in a few weeks perhaps this will rejuvenate the genre a little bit...we can only hope. I've been hearing good things about Yuma and will definitely catch it in the next few weeks. I saw a spoiler of the ending but it won't dampen my enthusiasm for it. A new western that's well made, I'm definitely there! I've also caught wind that Kevin Costner is wanting to do another Western. I don't know if he has a script or not, but I know he's trying to get financing for the film. Tom Selleck is also in talks with CBS about an adaptation of L'Amour's The Empty Land. Apparently CBS wants to see how the Val Kilmer movie does in the ratings which I think will be broadcast in November.