The Protector is out! Pick up your copies at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Here are the links:
The Protector
Drobania is on the verge of a rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces is a great warrior named Todel and was once the comander of the empire's elite guard unit, The Protectors. The rebels have been raiding the lands of neighboring countries in hopes of embroiling Drobania in war, allowing them to take over. In order to stop the rebellion it's decided by Drobania's Queen and Council that the best way to end it is to eliminate their leader.
A small band of soldiers is sent to the mountains to find Todel, who is unmatched in battle, and kill him. The man in charge of this band, Taidyn, is the current commander of The Protectors, and the only man capable of killing their former leader. Though Taidyn reluctantly accepts his orders, he is unsure if he is able to complete his mission. The reason....Todel is his father. Will Taidyn be able to kill his father? Or will he succumb to his temptations and join his father's fight against the empire? Taidyn will embark on a mission to save not only the empire, but himself.